How to handle exam anxiety?

During exam season, it is normal to feel nervous or experience some level of anxiety.

While exam anxiety is normal (and frequent) it is certainly not pleasant, and it can have a negative impact on your exam-performance and in your mental well-being.

Here are some tips, made by THP International’s Educational Psychologists, to manage and control exam anxiety.

-😴Sleep: It is very important to get a great night sleep before an important test. Don’t sacrifice sleep and make sure your study schedule allows for a sufficient sleep time.

-📖Study: Don’t cram! Make yourself as comfortable as possible with the contents of your exams so that you can be sure you are in charge of the situation.

-👀See it: Visualize yourself being successful and getting the grade you want on your exams.

-👃Breathe: During an exam, it is very important to take deep breaths to relieve the stress.

-🥐Eat: Ingest a good healthy breakfast before an exam. Bring protein-rich snacks and a water bottle to your tests.

-🗺Perspective: Put your exams into perspective, remember that exams are important, but they do not define your life or your intelligence.

-🤾‍♂️Dump: At the beginning of an exam, write an info-dump and jot down facts on the back sheet of the test, especially the things you are afraid of forgetting.

-🎉Celebrate: Take some time to reward yourself for your hard-work, regardless of the results, hard-work should always be acknowledged.

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