The Importance of Mocks

The Importance of Mocks

Starting next week, THP International students will sit their mock exams. Mock exams, which take place at the end of each term, are ‘un-official´ exams done under official exams rules and guidelines.

At THP, we take mock exams very seriously and encourage students to do the same. Why? 🤔 Because, although mocks are ‘un-official’, they provide teachers and educational body with information about both the students’ progress and the way they would perform in an exam.

However, not everything has to do with grades and performance, mock exams are also very useful in terms of nerves and anxiety management as well as in letting the students become familiar with the rules and restrictions that apply in official exams. By having mock exams taking place a few times before the actual exams, students get to know and follow the pertinent norms, manage their study time, and control their exam-nerves. 😥

On top of this, mock exams are also an ideal opportunity for families to learn how to be supportive of their children during exam season. Due to the aforementioned exam anxiety, exam season can sometimes take a toll on the whole family’s wellbeing, as it sometimes leads to irascible children. Our educational psychologist insists on the need to understand and respect these feelings and try to show support as frequently as possible, always reminding the child that a grade doesn’t define them or their worth and merely shows their performance on a given area.

Reproducing exam conditions is a must for teachers, students, and families, as it makes exams not an enemy to fear but a longtime friend to greet with confidence.🤝

Financial Literacy for Teenagers

The importance of Financial Literacy for teenagers

Nowadays, teenagers seem to be quite interested in ‘making money’, probably due to the ongoing narrative on the internet that equates money with personal success and happiness. However, most teenagers lack a basic financial literacy that could actually help them make the most of their money and manage their finances proficiently when reaching adulthood. 

By the time these teenagers become adults and face the job market and the finance world, they have no basic financial education. With the exception of the ones who have studied degrees like Business Administration or Law, those who have studied science or literature -for example- start their jobs and adult lives with no idea of how to interpret a paycheck or how a mortgage works.

What is worse, a lot of these ‘new adults’ don’t value the worth of money and therefore don’t know how to make the most of it and be able to monetise their knowledge, aptitudes or ideas. 

At THP, we believe that financial literacy is a must for teenagers, who are the future of society, to be successful and enjoy stability and abundance in their adult lives.

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